
May 13 cont...

The only thing I could see from where I was, strangely enough, was a deflated orange balloon lying to the left of the last white band tree. That seemed promising for some reason so I lurched that way. Then I saw some cans and felt comforted – signs of civilization or something. But by now, not only had the brush become almost impenetrable, it had become precariously steep and the layer of pine needles made it extremely slippery.

I was starting to feel scared.
I knew there was no way I could retrace my steps now.
It was too hard to climb back up the way I had come down. I literally came to a standstill. I was bound in vines and prickles and couldn’t move.
I stood and sobbed, demanding through clenched teeth LET ME GO!! and begging Kobo Daishi to help me...

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