Different Time Zones - T13

May 6 cont...

As we were walking, it dawned on me that we were getting close to Temple 13 - but it was only about 12 or so. With a chuckle I suddenly understood that Iwamoto San had been saying 3 hours, not 3 o'clock and that’s why they had been so persistent in asking if I was sure I didn’t want to walk with them to Temple 17.

When we got to Temple 13, I asked if he could cancel my hotel and I would continue with them on to Tokushima that afternoon afterall. It was such an about turn after being adamant I wasn’t going any further that it took them all a while to get what I was telling them. Eventually I found the words in the phrase book for 'save money' and they all laughed with understanding then Iwamoto San not only cancelled my Temple 13 accommodation, he rang The Agnes and told them I would be arriving there that night (not the next night as planned).

I was so happy and relieved. I had saved over ¥10,000 (about NZ $150) with Myoko San and Iwamoto Sans generous o'settai, and being back a day early.

Horses at Shinto Shrine over the road from Temple 13

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