Wall of Flowers - T60

May 16 (Walk 8.27 kms, Taxi 50kms?)

Woke 2 minutes before the alarm. Got dressed, packed bag and waited outside Takashi Sans room. He came out and indicated I should leave my bag in his room while we have breakfast.
After breakfast, I got my bag and went to reception to write while Takashi San packed up. Another rainy day today.

We set off for the train station. Trained to Komatsu then taxied to Temple 60. A huge uphill ride of 15kms that cost Takashi San NZ$100 by the time we got to the next Temple! I was quietly pleased I didn’t have to walk it (but I also would have happily walked it if that was my agenda).

Temple 60 had a magnificent wall of pink flowers at the bottom of the scenic path.

I wish I had found out what flowers they were
It was also here that I took my favourite picture of the whole trip which, ironically, is of Torii leading down to a Shinto shrine to the side of this Temple.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Hi E!

Could those flowers be Ajisai? Hydrangea in English.